Little Shop of Horrors Wiki
"Bigger Than Hula Hoops?"

MUCH BIGGER! This page may contain MAJOR SPOILERS For the Movie and/or Stage Productions of Little Shop Of Horrors! If you don't want to read/see spoilers then please leave the page.

Audrey is the main female lead in each Little Shop of Horrors version. She has a crush on Seymour in both the musical and movie, although it’s originally stifled by her boyfriend Orin Scrivello, D.D.S. She’s the arrangement maker at the flower shop in the 1986 film, in which she’s played by Ellen Greene.

1960 Film[]

In the 1960 film, her last name was said to be Fulquard.

1986 Film[]

In the 1986 film, she is depicted as a buxom, bleached-blonde, tube-dress wearing damsel who is kind and sweet naturally, and is also humble and submissive to any man she loves.

In the 1986 film, she’s the girl of Seymour's dreams, but she was dating the abusive and cold-hearted Orin Scrivello, she would often come to work beaten after the "dates" she had with him, in which he would handcuff her. She however revealed her true feelings in "Somewhere That's Green", revealing that she wants to be Seymour’s wife, have children (that look exactly like them) and wishes to live in a perfect house and have a beautiful garden. She’s always supportive of Seymour, became even more proud of him for being a celebrity of hosting Audrey II in a T.V. show. Later she feels responsible for the disappearance of Orin, having often wished he would die or disappear, and in "Suddenly Seymour" Audrey tells him that her dad left her and her mom when she was very young. Her mom had little money making life difficult. She also reveals to Seymour that the abuse in her childhood led her to feel deserving of abuse from the men in her life. Seymour convinces her otherwise and the two finally decide to be together. Later they plan to get married at the courthouse and leave Skid Row for good. However, when Audrey receives a phone call from Audrey II and rushes to the flower shop. Audrey learns, after trying to feed it, that Audrey II is an evil, talking, man-eating, violent plant and Audrey is almost hopelessly eaten by Audrey II.

Original Ending: Seymour shows up but he’s too late to save Audrey. She dies in his arms, after instructing him to feed her to Audrey II so that he may become famous and wealthy. In her final song, Somewhere That's Green (Reprise), she states she’s strangely happy about this, because she’ll finally be somewhere that's green, both literally and figuratively. After she’s fed to the plant, Audrey II goes on to eat Seymour, produce multiple seedlings and eventually takes over the world.

Theatrical Ending: Seymour shows up just in the nick of time and rescues Audrey from a near death. Audrey then watches Seymour battle Audrey II in the song Mean Green Mother From Outer Space. When Seymour wins by electrocuting the plant, Audrey and Seymour are a married couple and live in her dream home but there’s a smiling Audrey II plant in their garden.


The following storyboards[1] are by Mike Ploog, for the "Death of Audrey" scene that was cut from the 1986 Movie, but released with the director's cut.

Little Shop[]

In the 1991 animated series, Audrey is a fairly primary character in Little Shop, but her roles aren’t very big, depicted with black-hair with a pink outfit and a pink hairbow.

She isn’t as positive as her adult form in the 1986 film, although it's likely that in the film she was more mature. Unlike the 1986 film, she doesn’t have any romantic feelings for Seymour, not even knowing that he's alive at all. She’s curious of what her occupation would be when she grows up, but seems to have normally chosen the firefighter job. In Little Shop, she isn’t abused by the show's version of Orin Scrivello DDS (Paine Driller), unlike the 1986 film, since Paine Driller also has a crush on Audrey in the show just like Seymour. Instead of her last name being Fulquard she’s said to be Mushnik's daughter, which would mean her last name is Mushnik in the TV series.

Original Script Character Description[]

The Script offers a character description as follows:

"The bleached-blonde Billie-Dawn-like, secret love of his life [Seymour]. If you took Judy Holiday, Carol Channing, Marilyn Monroe and Goldie Hawn, removed their education and feelings of self-worth, dressed them in spiked heels and a low-cut dress, shook them up in a test tube to extract what's sweetest and most vulnerable- that'd be Audrey.[2]



  1. Storyboard images from
  2. Ashman, Howard (1982). "Little Shop Of Horrors", p. 8. Samuel French, Inc. New York. ISBN 0573681821